(h/t HotAir)
The Daily Show is liberal but when they go after other liberals it's pretty funny.
What till you get to the sailor to English translator, it's laugh out loud funny.
That is a refusal to distinguish between defender and aggressor, those who defend innocents, from those who attack innocents, between those who intentionally avoid the death of innocents, from those who intentionally target innocents for torture and murder. The refusal to distinguish between, right and wrong, is to embrace injustice over the justice and an embrace of evil over good. The refusal to make those very clear moral distinctions and to forsake good, for the embrace of evil. Is the sign of someone who has traveled down the road of moral equivalence. Moral equivalence causes those who embrace it incapable of making those very clear distinctions between good and evil. Turning them and their souls into ugly deformed moral pygmies.
What Hitler was could be clearly seen by all moral actors who bothered to look. Certainly long before Neville slit the throat of the lambs of Czechoslovakia in a vain and cowardly attempt to appease the evil beast. That craven act of cowardly Neville received the accolades of fellow self deluded fools and cowards. When he declared peace in our time, he was also declaring peace at any price, and was hailed a hero. The world had to pay for that peace with the blood of millions.
The greatest tragedy of that century wasn't that WWII occurred, but that it never needed to have happened in the first place. If the European political leadership had shown some backbone when Hitler invaded the Sudetenland, he would have run away like a craven cowardly bully. Only the leaders of Europe were even more craven and cowardly than was the bully.
Instead Europe's leaders rationalized (Germany's just claims) and dithered while the beast feeding on their fear and lack of moral conviction and character grew stronger and stronger. To the point where the very survival of European democracy could have easily been lost forever.
Appeasement is what Europe excels at like no other, while it snuggles and comforts it's self with it's baby blanket of a self declared moral superiority it has not earned, and does not deserve.
Appeasement crippled Europe when genocide ran rampant in Kosovo
Appeasement countenances suicide bombings in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians.
Appeasement generates a mentality that allows Europe to ignore nearly 500,000 victims of Saddam's torture
Appeasement is the reaction to the escalating violence by Islamic fundamentalists in Holland and elsewhere
When Will Europe Learn?
Or Perhaps This Time?
Reid quotes Patraeus dishonestly, Patraeaus has said "the war can not be won militarily", he is saying something with which everyone agrees. Obviously the war must be fought on several fronts, with military force, diplomatic pressure, economic aid, etc. Military force alone is not enough, but it must be an essential component of any strategy that aims for victory. Reid is attempting to conflate Patreaus's "the war can not be won militarily" with his own claim "the war is lost" as if he and Patraeus were saying the same thing. It is so transparently dishonest it makes me want to puke. Really can't see how anyone can fail to recognize he has decided to put the good of the Democratic party ahead of the good of the nation. Our enemies have taken heart. When asked about the 18 or 19 year olds who are potentially making the supreme sacrifice, his response is disgraceful and beneath contempt.
interview With Harry Reid
Aired April 23, 2007 - 17:00 ET
BASH: Arlen Specter, a Republican, but somebody who, in many ways, is like you, a critic of the president's Iraq policy. He said this. He said: "For men and women who are over in Iraq to have somebody of Senator Reid's stature say that the war is lost, it is just very, very demoralizing and not necessary."
Is there something to that, an 18- and 19-year-old person in the service in Iraq who is serving, risking their lives, in some cases losing their life, hearing somebody like you back in Washington saying that they're fighting for a lost cause?
REID: General Petraeus has told them that.
BASH: How has he said that?
REID: He said the war can't be won militarily. He said that. I mean he said it. He's the commander on the ground there.
BASH: But, sir, there's a difference...
REID: Are they critical of him?
BASH: ... between that and saying the war is lost, don't you think?
REID: Well, I -- as I said, maybe it's a choice of words. I mean General Petraeus has said the war cannot be won militarily.
Doesn't every soldier going there know that he's said that?
I think so.
BASH: You talked several times about General Petraeus. You know that he is here in town. He was at the White House today, sitting with the president in the Oval Office and the president said that he wants to make it clear that Washington should not be telling him, General Petraeus, a commander on the ground in Iraq, what to do, particularly, the president was talking about Democrats in Congress.
He also said that General Petraeus is going to come to the Hill and make it clear to you that there is progress going on in Iraq, that the so-called surge is working. Will you believe him when he says that?
REID: No, I don't believe him, because it's not happening. All you have to do is look at the facts.
Nice of the democratic leader to attack the integrity of the military general in charge of Iraq.Here it is on YouTube
Part one here
by Kevin Potvin
The Republic
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This and the article following it were originally written in October of 2001, five weeks after the terrorist attacks in New York and Washington. It seemed prudent at that time to stuff it in the back of the drawer for when things lightened up again. But it seems that's not going to happen.
I have a terrible confession to make. When I saw the first tower cascade down into that enormous plume of dust and paper, there was a little voice inside me that said, "Yeah!" When the second tower came down the same way, that little voice said, "Beautiful!" When the visage of the Pentagon appeared on the TV with a gaping and smoking hole in its side, that little voice had nearly taken me over, and I felt an urge to pump my fist in the air.
This is a revolting confession, I know. But it's what happened.
I know lots of people were killed. But then again, I see lots of people getting killed whenever I turn the TV news on, and frankly, it doesn't really get me anymore. Plenty more people are killed without my knowledge. A million Rwandans were killed in the space of 100 days a few years ago. That's a rate of six whole World Trade Center tower catastrophes every day for over three straight months running--and the whole thing barely registered on my radar.
Let's face facts. If the news on the morning of September 11 was that 3,000 Tanzanians or Burmese had been killed, they wouldn't have broken in on regularly scheduled programming, or cancelled football games, and there'd be no conversation about it the next day. No one would say the world changed. It's been a long time since lots of people getting killed is, in itself, news, and we all know this, and we all live comfortably with it.
The fact it was Americans who got killed is also not the reason this event gets so much play. As many Americans die from murder in any month as died on September 11, and hardly anyone notices this either, or cares.
The only reason September 11 merits so much attention is because the targets were so supremely symbolic. Corporatism and militarism were struck that morning, and that's why it's such big news. New York is not just home to American corporate headquarters, it is home to global corporate headquarters. It is the centre of global corporatism, and the twin towers were constructed precisely to celebrate this very fact.
The Pentagon is likewise not just home to the American military. The American military is so overwhelmingly dominant in the world, with a reach giving it ultimate power in every corner of the planet, that the Pentagon is really the home of the global military. The US supplies so much of the world's arms and commands so much of the world's force, either directly or through proxies in every nation on the planet, that the Pentagon is, to put it plainly, militarism itself.
I recognized these facts on that fateful day and so did a lot of other people, and I know I wasn't alone when I heard that little voice inside me say, "Yeah, beautiful!"
Nor was I alone, I know for a fact, whenever I passed a TV or newspaper with a report on the ensuing US war to capture Osama bin Laden, and I secretly said to myself, "Go, Osama, Go!" I am happy he has eluded capture by the Americans. I am in love with those Afghans who, whenever asked, said, "He went that-a-way," and their fifty hands pointed in fifty different directions.
There is a war on. US President Bush and Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld call it "a war on terrorism." But is war not terrifying? And is terrorism not war, waged by those who can't afford tanks and airplanes? If someone wanted to wage war on the US, with all its satellites and drone bombers and smart missiles, what other form could it possibly take besides terrorism? To call it "a war on terrorism" is like calling it a war on war–surely an absurdity.
This is not a war against terrorism. It is a war against unbridled corporatism and militarism. And I'm not sure which side my heart is on.
Someone get me a barf bag, I'm gonna toss my cookies after reading Mr. Potvin's brilliant prose. (more sarcasm)
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This is a skit from SNL doing a take off on Nancy Grace that is side splitting funny from just before Christmas. Youtube took it down but here it is, enjoy.
This came from Gateway Pundit originally, used it to reply to a moonbat who attempted to claim the Inspector General's report debunked the idea that Saddam had any relationship with al Qaeda.
This from captured Iraqi Document ISGC-2004-019920 Page 6
As posted at Dread Pundit Bluto:
2002 Iraqi Intelligence Correspondence concerning the presence of
al-Qaida Members in Iraq. Correspondence between IRS members on a
suspicion, later confirmed, of the presence of an Al-Qaeda terrorist
group. Moreover, it includes photos and names.
Captured Iraqi Document ISGQ-2003-00004500-0
Laura Mansfield translated this document at Pajamas Media:
Saddam Hussein’s government was aware not justHere-
of the presence of Al Qaeda terrorist Abu Mus’ab Al Zarqawi, but also
was aware that the Anbar province in Iraq was being used as a launch
point for organized groups of jihadis headed to fight the
United States in Afghanistan.
The document, addressed to the Security Board, Fedayeen Saddam at the
office of the Presidency in Iraq, reports what it describes as a
“rumor”, says:
there is a group of Iraqi and Saudi Arabians numbering around 3,000 who
have gone in an unofficial capacity to Afghanistan and have joined the
mujahidin to fight with and aid them in defeating the American Zionist
Imperialist attack This clearly indicates that Iraq was being used as a
transit point or launch point for Saudi Arabian jihadis, as well as
Iraqis, who wanted to go join the forces of Osama Bin Laden in Iraq in
November 2001, nearly a year and a half before the US and Coalition
forces commenced military action against Saddam Hussein’s regime.
In the Name of God the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate.And, Here-
The Saudi Opposition and Achieving the Relation and Contact With Them(Translation
of part of Page 4)
2. The Comission of Reform and Advise
Lead by the Saudi Osama Bin Laden who belongs to a wealthy Saudi family
with her roots go back to Hadramoot and connected strongly with the
ruling family in Saudia, and he is one of the leaders of the Arab
Afghan who volunteered for Jihad in Afghanistan, and after the
expulsion of the Soviets he moved to stay in Sudan in the year 1992
after the arrival of the Islamists to power in Sudan.
And because of his stands against the Saudi Royal family because of the
foreign presence inside it, the Saudi authorities made a decision to
withdraw his Saudi citizenship, and we moved toward The Comission from
our side and through the following:
Translation of page 5
A. During the visit of the Sudanese Dr. Abrahim Al Sanoosi to the
country and his meeting with Mr. Uday Saddam Hussein on 13/12/1994 and
with the presence of the respectful Sir the Director of the Apparatus
he indicated that the opposition person Osama Bin Laden who is staying
in Sudan and who was cautious and fears that he will be accused by his
opponents that he became an agent for Iraq, is ready to meet with him
in Sudan (The results of the meeting were written to the Honorable
Presidency according to our letter 872 on 17/12/1994).
B. The approval of the Honorable Presidency was granted to meet with the opposition person Osama Bin Laden
by the Apparatus according to letter 128 on 11/1/1995 (attachment 6)
and the meting with him was completed by Mr. M.A ex-4th Directory in
Sudan and with the presence of the Sudanese Dr. Abrahim AL Sanoosi on
19/2/1995 and a discussion occurred about his organization, and he
requested the broadcasting of Sheikh Sleiman AL Awada (who has
influence in Saudia and outside since he is a known and influential
religious personality) and dedicate a program for them through the
station directed inside the country and make joint operations against
the forces of infidels in the land of Hijaz ( the Honorable Presidency
has been notified with the details of the meeting according to our
letter 370 in 4/3/1995 attachment 7).
In the name of God the merciful the compassionate Presidency of the Republic Intelligence Service 2/913/5th directorate
Sir: Director General of the 5th directorate
Subject: Information Our Afghani source #002 (info on
him in paper slip ‘1’) has informed us that Afghani consular Ahmed
Dahistani (info on him in paper slip ‘2’) had spoken before him of the
following: 1- That Usama Bin Ladin and the Taliban
group in Afghanistan are in contact with Iraq and that a group from the
Taliban and Usama Bin Ladin’s group had conducted a visit to Iraq.
2- That America possesses evidence that Iraq and Usama Bin Ladin’s group had cooperated to strike targets inside America.
3- Incase Taliban and Usama’s group are proven
involved in those sabotage operations, it will be possible that America
directs strikes at Iraq and Afghanistan. 4- That the Afghani consular had heard about the Iraq connections with Usama Bin Ladin’s group during his presence in Iran.
5- In the light of what preceded we suggest writing to the Intentions Committee about the above information.
Please be informed…..your feedback please…..with appreciation.
)signature) (signature(
Information office send immediately to the
Of the 5th directorate/3 Intentions Committee
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