What Hitler was could be clearly seen by all moral actors who bothered to look. Certainly long before Neville slit the throat of the lambs of Czechoslovakia in a vain and cowardly attempt to appease the evil beast. That craven act of cowardly Neville received the accolades of fellow self deluded fools and cowards. When he declared peace in our time, he was also declaring peace at any price, and was hailed a hero. The world had to pay for that peace with the blood of millions.
The greatest tragedy of that century wasn't that WWII occurred, but that it never needed to have happened in the first place. If the European political leadership had shown some backbone when Hitler invaded the Sudetenland, he would have run away like a craven cowardly bully. Only the leaders of Europe were even more craven and cowardly than was the bully.
Instead Europe's leaders rationalized (Germany's just claims) and dithered while the beast feeding on their fear and lack of moral conviction and character grew stronger and stronger. To the point where the very survival of European democracy could have easily been lost forever.
Appeasement is what Europe excels at like no other, while it snuggles and comforts it's self with it's baby blanket of a self declared moral superiority it has not earned, and does not deserve.
Appeasement crippled Europe when genocide ran rampant in Kosovo
Appeasement countenances suicide bombings in Israel by fundamentalist Palestinians.
Appeasement generates a mentality that allows Europe to ignore nearly 500,000 victims of Saddam's torture
Appeasement is the reaction to the escalating violence by Islamic fundamentalists in Holland and elsewhere
When Will Europe Learn?
Or Perhaps This Time?