Published Monday, November 13, 2006 by cam. 
The Real Conservative Crackup
There has been much written and broadcast about what happened in the midterm elections. Not much of it being very useful, or accurate. The MSM spin it as a repudiation of our war aims in Iraq, BS. It showed a lack of patience for what is going on in Iraq. Not a desire to cut and run before we achieve our objective, of a free and stable Iraq. But hey what else could we expect from the MSM? Then we get the liberal pundits claiming it is the end of the conservative movement, it has finally run out of gas, more BS.
I think it was a combination of several different things. The Republicans in Congress no longer seemed to stand for conservative values. Such as lower taxes, smaller government, conservative judges. To the extent they did, they were to lily livered to enact legislation, and advance an agenda based on those values. What's the point of being a majority if you are too scared of the MSM to legislate. Instead they tried to use pork to buy votes. They just about pissed off every single group that made up the conservative governing coalition. Fiscal conservatives, libertarians, social conservatives, you name it, all had been poked in the eye by Congressional Republicans.
I was completely disillusioned by Denny Hastert, and the Congressional Republican leadership. When Hastert got up on the steps of the capital building with Nancy Pelosi to condemn the FBI for raiding William Jefferson's congressional offices, even declaring it unconstitutional. That was it for me he had to go. If that didn't demonstrate just how out of touch the Congressional Republicans had gotten, I don't know what would. What on the good Lords green earth was he thinking? More coming on this post, I just need time to get to it. Immigration sure didn't work out as the winning wedge issue that Hastert, Tancredo, and the rest of the no compromise immigration hawks thought it would, did it?
OK I'm back, Tamar Jacoby and Michael Barone have both written how the hard line on immigration is hurting the GOP. But hey Rush and Hannity couldn't possibly be wrong, could they? The GOP needs to learn the lessons of this past election, and put the issue of securing our borders, and comprhensive immigration reform to bed, before the 08 elections, or they are going to get creamed again.