Published Friday, October 06, 2006 by cam. 
You know sometimes I really start to wonder if the Democrats have any clue as to just how base, common, and power hungry they come across to a vast number of people. That they will willingly and unflinchingly sacrifice anyone or anything in order to achieve their goals of regaining power. This whole episode has disgusted me and makes feel the need to wash up after commenting on it. The Anchoress makes a very valid point and the Democrats have once again exposed themselves to be crass and base. This whole episode may in fact be what the upcoming midterm elections turn on, but not in the direction the Democrats or their cheerleaders in the MSM expect.
There is a serious need for some psychoanalysis, within the political communities. I wonder if the Democrats will be able to wrap their minds around the idea that by attempting to manipulate an election based on what they surmised would be the reaction of the “homophobic, hating rightwingnuts,” they have exposed themselves and their own prejudices, not merely against conservatives, but against gay people, too. When you think you know how someone else will react to a stimulus, it’s called PROJECTION. You think you know, because of what exists inside yourself.
read the whole thing:
The Anchoress