People need to stop with the idiotic idea that a response to fascists needs to be proportionate

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My moderate friend over at the pink flamingo asks the question that is oh so popular among those who like to consider themselves as moderate and reasonable.

A few minutes ago I heard Greta ask a question of Perez.  "Is the kidnapping of two soldiers worth a war?" (or something to that effect)

I think it is a very honest question. 

Is Israel responding in a way that is way over the top? 

Well I'm sorry, just not buying into the meme that what Israel does in defense of it's people must be conducted so as to be proportionate to what the islamo-fascists do. Would it be proportionate for the IDF to without provocation kidnap some Lebanese civilians? I think Tom Carew in The American Thinker is absolutely correct.

A Just War is not for revenge or reprisal, but to eliminate a deadly threat. The Fanatical Jihadi Fringe is such a threat, and for other Arabs and Muslims as well. The “proportionate” casualties they take are whatever it takes to conquer them thoroughly, and remove their aggressive capacity for good.

It is time for people to stop pretending the Israeli Arab conflict is one between two morally equal parties, when it is not. Israel is in the right, and has the moral authority to do what ever is necessary to remove the threat posed by Hamas and Hezbollah. What ever the IDF does to protect the citizens of Israel from these fanatical islamo-fascist organizations and remove them as a threat is proportionate.

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