Published Tuesday, July 05, 2005 by cam. 

E-mail handout photo of President George W. Bush hugging Ashley. "As the President passed by, Ashley handed the President her ticket to sign which he did with a big smile; not knowing her connection with 9/11. He
was moving at a brisk pace as you might imagine doing a 4 stop tour that day. He then shook hands with Linda when she conveyed who this young lady was. Instantly his entire demeanor changed. He lost his smile. His eyes closed briefly. He stopped, backed-up took, Ashley's hands and in a quite,
private voice asked, "How are you doing?" Ashley, according to her father, showing more emotion than since the loss of her mom, forced out "Fine." The President held her close for what seemed like forever but it was likely
just 10-15 seconds, and while still holding her, looking at Lynn said, "I can see how much your dad loves you, Ashley.", *** Note Date and Time Removed from photo****, scanned 5/5/2004