Why Socialism has never worked, will never work, and has always lead to tyranny
Published Friday, January 28, 2005 by cam | E-mail this post 
In an essay written by George Reisman at the web site of the Ludwig von Mises Institute. Reisman destroys "the labor theory of value" and the "iron law of wages,"and in the process ends up explaining why Socialism to the extent that it is practised leads to tyranny. Here is the money quote:
"As a final irony it turns out not only that capitalism is not a system of the exploitation of labor, but that the actual system of the exploitation of labor is socialism. Socialism establishes the very kind of exploitation for the alleged existence of which people seek to overthrow capitalism.
The socialist state holds a universal monopoly on employment and production. Its citizens are economically powerless in their capacity both as workers and as consumers. No economic factor compels the socialist state to take account of their wishes. From an economic point of view, the rulers of the socialist state need be concerned with the values of the citizens only insofar as it needs them to have the health and strength required to work.
Moreover, the leading moral-political principle of the socialist state is that the citizen is not an end in himself, as he is acknowledged to be under capitalism, but is a means to the ends of 'society.' Since society does not inhabit any known mountain top, and cannot be communicated with in any direct way, its ends can be made known only through the rulers of the socialist state. Thus, the principle that the individual is the means to the ends of society necessarily means, in practice, that he is the means to the ends of society as divined, interpreted, and determined by the rulers of the socialist state. And what this means is that he is the means to the ends of the rulers. A more servile arrangement can hardly be imagined. "
Read the whole article here:
Classical Economics vs. The Exploitation Theory - Mises Institute:
The fact that the proponents of Socialist idealogy's continue in their misstaken beliefes, despite the overwhelming failures of Socialism to bring about the workers paridise, as promised by Marx et all, but have instead lead to some of the worst examples of tyranny in the modern age. Suggests they hold on to their views for some other reasons than a dispasionent view of the world as it actually exists.
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